Sano Dairy R&D Centre
Sano invests in top Hungarian company

The farm consists of the divisions milk production, fodder production, cash crop cultivation as well as potato cultivation and packaging, which work in full synergy. There are a total of 2 150 Holstein cows plus female offspring at two locations. With a lactation output of over 13 000 kg milk, the two dairy farms are among the top three farms in Hungary.
Highest animal welfare in modern stables
The modern stables at the Solum site meet the highest standards of technology and thus offer the framework conditions for optimal animal welfare. Milking takes place three times a day, and some of the stalls are equipped with a flushing system, which means that the walkways are cleaned with water. The liquid manure is separated more thoroughly, the recovered water is used again to flush the walkways or to irrigate the fields. This not only ensures fertile and high-yield soil, but also efficiently combines crop production with modern, commercial animal husbandry. With the high degree of economic efficiency, resources can also be saved, which in turn has a positive effect on the environment.
Farming with potato cultivation
The company cultivates a total of 2 100 hectares of arable land, of which 600 hectares are contracted. 1 300 hectares are irrigated with Danube water. Potatoes are grown on 250 hectares - the most important crop on the farm. The agricultural company is one of the largest potato producers in Hungary. The above-average crop production yields are due, in part, to good fertiliser management. The most important trading partners include Lidl and Spar. The remaining arable land is mainly used for forage cultivation.
Shape the future
The development of the Sano Agrar Cattle Institute includes extensive new construction and modernisation measures in favour of the animals. In the next few years, there will be intensive investments in a transit and calf barn, a mobile silo system and concentrate feed storage, a storage facility, new milking centre, new heifer stalls, an additional cow and dry cow stall. This lays the foundation for modern, sustainable, and economical animal production at the highest level. At the same time, we promote and support innovative solutions for the optimisation of future production processes.